Express Yourself: How to live a Maximalism Life Sustainably
Minimalism vs Maximalism:
Move over Minimalism, make way for the newest home decoration trend: maximalism.
What is Maximalism?
Now it might sound like the opposite of minimalism, which technically it is, but maximalism isn’t about having the maximum amount of stuff in your home. It’s more about having an aesthetic of excess. Think bright and bold colours, lots of patterns, and in general a more busy and visually exciting space. It doesn’t mean clutter and excess – we don’t like that! It’s about expression, art and creativity – which we love!

How can you be a maximalist sustainably?
We love the low-waste lifestyle, and we never encourage you to go overboard and buy unnecessary home accessories. For so long we have loved the minimalist ideal of “less is more” but now we are digging the maximalist approach of “more is more”.
It’s the perfect opportunity to go antique or vintage shopping; choosing to reuse rather than buying new – the eclectic and unique items you can find second-hand are definitely maximalist – and even better: sustainable! Check out garage-sales – one persons trash is another persons treasure.
Even though we often tell you to de-clutter and create space; you can still have organised clutter: a wall full of pretty picture frames, posters or wall-hangings; or a side table or shelf full of your trinkets and treasures – you don’t have to clutter your whole life to be maximalist.
Don’t just buy for the sake of buying: use what you already have to create this bold and interesting style. And take it slowly, collections don’t happen overnight – let the interesting and creative spaces develop naturally!
Be plastic-free in your maximalism: Having an excess of items can look messy, and we think there is nothing messier than single-use plastic. So avoid having plastics in your busy and funky space; opt for glass, wood, or other fun non-plastic materials!
Shop plastic free home essentials here.
Be clutter-free in your Maximalist Design:
Maximalism doesn’t mean clutter: Avoid clutter, it’s easy to create a very messy space when the décor is busy, and the last thing you want is unnecessary clutter. Make sure you have good organisation in your home, drawers to put away paperwork, spots for electric cords (use a Silicone Food Pouch for this!) and baskets for odds and ends. Just because you have a busy home, doesn’t mean it’s a disorganised home! Check out our blog post on how to de-clutter your home for more Home Organisation inspiration.
Marie Kondo: she is the master of Minimalism yes, but take a page out of her book and only put stuff in your space that you love and sparks joy – when you look at your bold and vibrant space, you want to feel happy, not overwhelmed!
Have fun!
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