9 Ways to Live a Sustainable, Low-Waste Lifestyle in 2022
It’s 2022 – what New Years Resolutions have you set? One thing we are always striving for is living a low-waste, sustainable and eco-friendly life, it is always number one on our resolutions for every new year!

How can we make our future more sustainable?
The last few years it has been difficult to focus on being sustainable and living an environmentally friendly life, COVID-19 has taken up every news article, every discussion, and every corner of our brain. But it’s important to remember that the world isn’t getting any better and we can all do our bit to help stop the rapid effects of climate change. By having awareness (reading this article is a great step!) and trying to take small steps we can all make a difference…
A quote we say on repeat – because it really hits home:
“It’s only one piece of plastic… said 7 billion people…”
Can also be reflected in another quote that we love:
“Individually, we are a one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
Ryunosuke Satoro
So even if you think you can’t make a difference, remember that if we all made one small change this year – we could really make a difference in the fight against climate change!
Sustainable New Years Resolutions for 2022
Every new years we make new years resolutions to be better, to do better and to make a difference! Often this is personal – lose weight, do more exercise, eat healthier food... But how about the bigger picture? This year you can combine those usual resolutions with sustainable, environmentally friendly resolutions.
Here are our Top 9 ways you can live a more low-waste lifestyle in 2022 and do your bit for the planet – and yourself!
Drive Less and do more exercise
One of the most common new years resolutions is to lose weight and one of the easiest ways to do so is by driving less! Why not walk to work? Or get off public transport early and walk the rest of the way? Rather than driving to a destination over the weekend, put your sneakers on and explore your local suburb – who knows what hidden gems are just around the corner!
Cut down on your electricity use
Cutting down on your electricity use will not only help the planet but also your pocket – less power = less money out of your pocket! It’s so easy to cut down on your electricity use: if you’re hot at home instead of turning on the air con - open windows; or if you’re too cold - put on a jumper! Avoid using the clothes dryer for your washing - put it on the washing line. For small loads of washing up, do it by hand – avoid the dishwasher! Get outside and enjoy the sun – stop watching TV and sitting on your computer – our wonderful planet has everything on offer so use it!
Eat consciously – cut down on meat and processed foods
We don’t want to tell you what you can and can’t eat but we do want to encourage you to eat a little more consciously. The meat industry contributes to nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production! So rather than having a slab of meat with every meal, swap it out for some veggies – it will help you with your other new years resolutions of losing weight too! If you want to live a little more sustainably we also suggest cutting back on processed and foods with lots of packaging – all that plastic waste is terrible for the environment, plus the production of these foods contributes greatly to greenhouse gas emissions!
Check out this article from The Guardian:
Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds
Go paperless – choose email or SMS
Cutting out your mail delivery will have a great impact on your carbon footprint. Most of us have already opted for paperless statements and notifications… but there is still the pesky bit of mail that comes once a month, so make sure you contact them and say you would prefer to receive it by email! It saves paper, transit plus it’s way easier to stay organised when you can file it all on your computer!
Check out more reason why you should go paperless in this Forbes article The Sustainable Impact of A Paperless Office
Holiday at home
The current situation of the world means it is difficult to head overseas on your yearly holiday… it’s even difficult to travel interstate. There is the risk of spreading COVID-19, or even contracting it. So our hot tip: holiday at home! There is so much to explore in your home state – even in your home city! We love the idea of getting an Air BnB in our own town, and treating it like a new, wonderful place. Go to the museum, explore the backstreets, go to a new restaurant and enjoy!
Organise your kitchen and home with low-waste products
We are all about staying organised! SUSTOMi is all about “Your Freshly Organised Life” after all. There are SO many reasons why we love helping you stay organised: it creates a stress free life, saves time, looks great and is sustainable! When you stock your home and kitchen with sustainable, reusable organisation products, you will use less packaging and create less waste! So this year, stock up on our organisation essentials, for example the Organised Fridge Bundle is perfect for starting your low-waste journey.
Check out our blog on How to Keep Food Fresh & Organised in the Fridge and De-clutter your Home and Living Space: Home Organisation Inspiration for more tips!
The Three R’s: Refuse, Reuse, Recycle
Ok, so you know this one very well… we’ve been saying it since school, but here is your little reminder because it’s easy to forget! Refuse packaging, say no to plastics – take your own straw – we have beautiful Stainless Steel Straws here, take your own bags like our Organic Cotton Tote Bag, and for lunches use your own containers, just like our stainless steel On-the-Go Lunch Box. All these products you can use over and over again! Silicone Food Pouches are a fantastic product to have in the home, use them to store snacks, leftovers, food prep, even toiletries and jewellery – chuck them in the dishwasher and use them again. So versatile and handy! And of course, recycle. We have those yellow bins for a reason!
Check out this blog for more inspo on the Three R's, when we chatted with local recycling legend, Millie Pardoe, owner of Collide Wholefoods.
Grow your own veggies or buy from your local farmers market
Growing your own veggies is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, you save money, there are great nutritional benefits, plus homegrown veggies taste so much better! Gardening is an extremely fun hobby with so many physical and mental health benefits. For more reasons why growing your own veggies is so good for you and the planet, check out this blog The Benefits of Garden-to-Table Produce Versus Supermarket Varieties.
If you are planning on starting your veggie patch definitely start now, but the best time to start is in Spring, and we have some great tips in our blog: 3 Month Spring Guide to Growing Vegetables in Tasmania
Buy second-hand
Buying items second-hand will benefit you in so many ways. Of course the environment is the number one benefit, but you will also save money, have fun searching for treasures and create a unique style in your home and wardrobe. We are also fans of buying second-hand gifts – let’s normalise second-hand! It’s sustainable and fun. Read more about it on this great blog:
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